Vacation part 2: Trip to Whitby

Whitby is a scenic city on the sea shore, several miles from Redcar where we were staying. We made a trip to Whitby on Saturday afternoon before the party. We had a good weather; well... dark clouds were everywhere except above Whitby and the rain didn't start until we started to head back.

On the way from Redcar to Whitby, we stopped in the Bunnyland. Unfortunately, we did not have the time to stay there for more than just a few minutes, so there are just a few pictures.

This is how Whitby looks.

Because Whitby is located on a sea shore, it's logical that there are a lot of ships there. Some of them even take tourists.

The Whitby Abbey is on a hill. To get there, you need to climb 199 stairs. People say that when you go there, you should be counting them. We did that and indeed, at least one of the many different results that different people got was 199.

Before you get to the Abbey, you will pass a small church with a graveyard.

We took the opportunity to photograph ourselves. First photo, left to right, is Neil (Riiggor), Claire (Findaormie), and Nicole (Darthiir). Second photo is Nicole, Michal (Aeia), and Claire. Third photo is Torsten (Lukraak) and Mark (Taliessen).

The Abbey is divided into two parts. The main building contains the exhibition, you can buy tickets there, and you will get a device that you can use to listen to the commentary about various parts of the Abbey.

The building on the next picture isn't really a part of the Abbey, it was just close. And the paper is a copy of a stone containing some weird text.

Then there's the ruin outside.

And this is how the Whitby town looks from the hill where the Abbey is standing.

Nicole took a nice panorama shot from the courtyard.

We know that Torsten likes being photographed, so we wanted to make him happy. This is also where Nicole called him a cutie-pie, which I think made him even happier, as you can clearly see on the pictures.

The courtyard seems to be a home for several ducks. They're following tourists and begging for food.

Claire bought a Whitby Lucky Duck to Nicole. The ducky is believed to bring luck to the owner and it is said that if you're visiting Whitby, you should buy one to someone. You can see the duck on the next set of photos and a cartoon.

When we were about to leave Whitby, it started raining. We stopped in a supermarket to buy some extra things for the barbeque and then headed back to Redcar.

Copyright notice: Text and images copyright by Michal Řeháček and Nicole.