Vacation part 13: Niagara Falls - departure

It was getting late when we finished the Journey behind the falls, so we decided to head back to Toronto and Oshawa. Although we were not able to see everything in Niagara Falls, because one day is not enough for that, it was an awesome day. The trip to the Falls was definitely worth it.

To make sure that Michal, Torsten, and Nicole would not be leaving Canada with only a few presents, John and Dar gave each of during our departure from the Journey behind the Falls a lucky talisman - a rabbit foot.

Rabbit's foot talisman #1

On our way back to the van, we saw the rainbow again. You will even see a double rainbow on the first picture of this set, but you need to look carefully; the second rainbow was much clearer in reality than it is on the pictures.

Rainbow #1 Rainbow #2

Everyone knows that there's always a treasure buried below the rainbow's end, so we followed the rainbow. We didn't have any pickaxes with us, so we didn't get the treasure... but we know where it is! And no one would expect the treasure to be near this tiny hut in Niagara Falls!

Rainbow #3 Rainbow #4

The treasure is indeed there. It's Niagara Falls, one of the most beautiful places in the world. That's the true treasure.

On our way back home, we passed a huge, American-sized Mr. Peanut advertisement. Mr. Peanut is an advertising logo of an American snack food company.

Mr. Peanut #1

We didn't even have a chance to make fun of the Tom-tom again, because most of the journey was on a high-way, where it's usually pretty difficult to get lost even for a Tom-tom. The Tom-tom showed us to go straight most of the time, so we did, and we got back to our hotels without too much trouble.

Tom-tom #1 Tom-tom #2 Tom-tom #3

As we were nearing Toronto, we got into traffic congestion. But thanks to John's driving skills, we never stopped, we were always moving, although sometimes veeeryyy slooowlyyy! John and Dar dropped Michal, Torsten, and Nicole off in their hotel headed to Oshawa. Michal, Torsten, and Nicole went for dinner - but we could not find a restaurant that all the three of us would like close enough to the hotel, so we ended at Burger King. Oh well, it was food too!

Copyright notice: Text, images, and videos copyright by Michal Řeháček, Nicole, Torsten, John Philip, Darlene Sine.