Vacation part 13: London

Michal and Neil went to London on Tuesday morning. We were meeting Lee (Vivana) in the evening and we also wanted to see some of the tourist attractions, although we had only half a day so we were very limited on time. Here are some pictures from one of the services we stopped at during our journey.

We arrived to London at about 11am (we has to get up at 6 am), but it was not possible to check in in the hotel until 3pm, so we went to see the London Eye and Tower Bridge. The pictures of these two attrations are on a separate page, because they would not fit here. For now, I will skip to the other parts of London, but I will return to the Eye and the Tower Bridge on the next page.

The very first landmark that we saw on our way to the London Eye was Big Ben. We got off the underground on the Westminster station and Big Ben was standing in front of us.

And this is how Big Ben looks at night. We took a few pictures when we were returning to the hotel.

On our way from the London Eye to the Tower Bridge, we saw a lot of busses with tourists. The weather was great - it didn't rain and it was mostly sunny - so it those double-deckered busses without roof worked great.

We have also seen the HMS Belfast, a ship that is now a floating museum. We however didn't have enough time to go in.

Apart from the HMS Belfast, I took a few assorted pictures on the way to the Tower Bridge.

There were a lot of ships cruising the Thames, most carrying tourists. Why not when the weather was really good until the evening. The last two pictures of the next set are taken after it started to rain.

We passed the Tower Hill on our way from the Tower Bridge to the Tower Hill underground station. The only picture that I was able to get isn't very good, because the building was so huge that it wasn't able to fit on one picture no matter how far I tried to back up.

Then we checked in at the Premier Travel Inn at Wembley. The room was pretty good; nothing like those famous insanely small rooms in the family hotels in Central London.

The Wembley Arena is standing about 200 meters from the hotel. I could not miss the opprtunity and took some pictures from the entrance to the Wembley Park underground station.

Well, underground... It is the London underground, but some parts are over the ground, like the Wembley Park station at the hotel we were staying in.

Then we went to the Green Park underground station, which is near the Buckingham Palace. Just like the London Eye and the Tower Bridge, a separate page is dedicated to this attraction. The only thing I will mention here is the taxi with an advertisement that encourages people to walk instead of using taxis; I'm thinking this is probably the weirdest advertisement that I ever saw.

On the way from the Buckingham Palace to the Tattershal Castle pub, we went through one of the London parks. And it started raining, although there were really no clouds above us; for a while I was thinking that the water is dropping from the trees, but I was proved wrong when we left the trees behind us and the water was still falling down. But that's the London weather I guess.

And finally we met the pink paladin Vivana, or Lee in real life. We spent about four hours in the pub. Unfortunately Lee wasn't drinking a pink beer this time and unfortunately Michal and Neil forgot to buy him a wax as a present, but it was a great meeting anyway. There's Lee and Neil on the first picture and Michal and Lee on the second one.

Copyright notice: Text and images copyright by Michal Řeháček and Nicole.