Vacation part 9: Niagara Falls - the five of us

We were headed for the Maid of the Mist, but we weren't in a hurry and the view was spectacular, so we were stopping every few minutes to look at the beautiful Falls and to take pictures. This is us above the Horseshoe Falls. We are eagerly looking at the Falls, we are having a lot of fun, and we are smiling... well most of us anyway!

Above the Horseshoe Falls #1 Above the Horseshoe Falls #2 Above the Horseshoe Falls #3 Above the Horseshoe Falls #4 Above the Horseshoe Falls #5 Above the Horseshoe Falls #6

We were still having a lot of fun and we were still smiling once we got closer to the American Falls!

Near the American Falls #1 Near the American Falls #2 Near the American Falls #3 Near the American Falls #4 Near the American Falls #5

Dar was smiling a lot. She was laughing too. And she was surprised... or was she trying to tell something to John? Or did she send him a kiss? All of that!

Dar #1 Dar #2 Dar #3 Dar #4

Most of you know that Dar, or Keeta, is the Queen of the Bunny Feeder's Support Group. If you don't believe it, here's the proof. Look at her bunny ears!

Dar #5

John was smiling too. So did all the people who were reflected in his glasses. And so did Torsten, at least sometimes.

John #1 John #2 John #1

A lot of people were saying that Michal was rarely smiling. And if you take a look at the pictures, you realize that they were mostly right. Sometimes he even looked as he was thinking What? Do they really think I'll be getting wet again here? Check the last picture of this paragraph to see that yourself!

Michal #1 Michal #2 Michal #3

But some people knew how to make Michal smile. Like Dar. She did something unbelievable, she made Michal smile more than on all the other pictures combined!

Michal smiling #1

Dar was pretty good at making people smile. Torsten was seen talking with her - and then smiling a lot, which - just like with Michal - was a rare occurrence. I think they must have been talking about bunnies!

Dar and Torsten smiling #2 Dar and Torsten smiling #3

When we were walking towards the Maid of the Mist, Torsten and Nicole started to speed up until the rest of us saw them some distance ahead. When we caught up with them, we realized that Torsten had just asked Nicole to marry him. You will probably agree that there Niagara Falls is one of the best places in the world to do it. Although Nicole didn't really say yes, she attacked Torsten with kisses so he kinda figured that must have been a yes! And notice how Torsten is smiling on the second picture. He almost looks like he's about to burst or start around bouncing like a bunny!

Will you marry me? #1 Will you marry me? #2 Will you marry me? #3

I'm sure they will be a happy couple. They certainly were happy at the Falls and during the whole holiday, as you undoubtedly noticed from all the other pictures. When we were going through the pictures we took, we realized that there were only a few on which they were not kissing or teasing each other!

Happy couple #1 Happy couple #2

Nicole and Torsten will surely be a cute couple. Cute and innocent!

Cute and innocent #1

Since it was early afternoon, we decided to stop for lunch before continuing towards the Maid. We stopped at a small restaurant. All of us had lunch, some us of also went for breakfast (at least that was Michal's excuse for having a hotdog with fries and then one more hotdog with fries). After lunch, Michal made sure that Tunare will not stop loving druids, because every druid is required to hug a tree after lunch.

Treehugger #1 Treehugger #2

A bit later we finally reached the Maid of the Mist. It was windy again, so some of us got a little (but only a little) wet. I think we were trying to prepare ourselves for the real thing on the Maid of the Mist. Some members of our group tried to hide behind Torsten, but it didn't help them; they got wet anyway.

Getting wet #1 Getting wet #2 Getting wet #3

Copyright notice: Text, images, and videos copyright by Michal Řeháček, Nicole, Torsten, John Philip, Darlene Sine.