Vacation part 17: Party - Saturday

Saturday was the primary day of the DoF gathering and party. And what better way to start a day is there for a necromancer than to kill a bunny? In Everquest Torsten plays a necromancer who believes that bunnies started a conspiracy aiming to control everyone's mind using a spell called Koadic's Endless Intellect (or KEI). This spell increases mana regeneration, which is why almost everyone except necromancers loves it. Necromancers have a different spell that they use to regenerate their mana, so they do not generally want KEI at all. Some necromancers hate it, some would even kill because of it.

And that's why Torsten logged into Everquest and killed two of the bunnies. He even did it from the computer of the Queen of the Bunny Feeders Support Group, uh-oh! You can see Torsten looking for a bunny on the first picture (yes, it's not easy to find one without tracking). The second picture shows Torsten just before attacking a bunny; see his face and the finger that is just about to land on the Attack button! The third picture shows the poor (now deceased) bunny; his face looks very surprised, because the bunny could not possibly believe that anyone would want to kill such a harmless creature.

Lukraak killing a snow bunny #1 Lukraak killing a snow bunny #2 Lukraak killing a snow bunny #3 Lukraak killing a snow bunny #4

When the two bunnies were dead, Torsten went to the kitchen to help Dar prepare the food for the party. And what better job is there for the player of a bunny-hating necromancer than shredding carrots, especially when there are lots and lots of carrots to shred!

Torsten shredding carrots #1 Torsten shredding carrots #2 Torsten shredding carrots #3

Believe it or not, Torsten loves carrots. He ate a jijantic amount of carrots during the weekend and he certainly liked them! Just check the look on his face; he's happy just like his pet bunny with a carrot!

Torsten eating carrots #4 Torsten eating carrots #5

It seems that insects liked the tents very much. Although the tents have nets that are supposed to prevent insects from getting in, the insects were inside in the morning and they were not able to get out because of those nets. But we didn't want to share the tents with insects, so we had to resort to plan B. John brought a high-tech device that looks like a tennis rocket combined with a power plant; the device was supposed to kill insects on contact... at least that was the theory. It didn't work because either the battery failed or the insects didn't realize they were supposed to die. But we didn't want to admit defeat, so we had to resort to plan C. Or was it plan B B? I can't exactly remember the name, but nevertheless John bought some insect traps, and they worked. More or less.

Killing insects in the tent #1 Killing insects in the tent #2 Killing insects in the tent #3 Killing insects in the tent #4

You already know about the carrot salad, but we had a lot more food than just the salad. In fact, we had enough food to feed an army! Every time Torsten or someone else asked Dar how much of carrots / some other ingredients she wanted, she replied: All of them, we need to make sure there will be enough food for everyone! The food was nicely arranged too; Dar took a lot of effort to make it look well too. Vegetables were arranged by color, and if a plate didn't look good enough, it was rearranged to make it look much better!

The food #1 The food #2 The food #3 The food #4 The food #5

Around lunchtime, Collin (Javelinman) and Pat (Grundulug) joined us for the weekend too.

Collin #1 Pat #1

The guy in the red T-shirt on the first two pictures is Tom, Dar's and John's friend who plays Mistyc in Everquest. The people on the right side of the last picture are Joseph (Josekin) and Billy Jo (Needwater).

Tom #1 Tom #2 Joseph and Billy Jo #3

It's much better to eat food than to look at it, so we started eating. To make sure we really (meaning totally) had enough food for everyone, we barbequed some more hamburgers and hotdogs.

John barbequing #1

Dar made it totally clear that she did not want any leftovers. Especially Pat and Michal were trying very hard to achieve that, but it seemed they were the only ones who understood the concept of no leftovers.

Pat with a full plate #1 Pat with a full plate #2

Unfortunately, we failed; by the end of the day, the tables with food still looked almost full; only a small part of the food was gone. But at least Dar didn't have to cook for a week after the party!

Nicole was very happy when she found out about Cool Whip, which is similar to whipped cream. She loved it sooo much!

Nicole eating Cool Whip #1 Nicole eating Cool Whip #2 Nicole eating Cool Whip #3

In addition to eating and drinking, we spent most of the day by chatting, socializing, laughing, sticking out tongues at each other, and doing other things you are supposed to be doing on a party. There were also more presents to be had, but you will learn about them in the next chapters. Saturday was a great day!

Partying #1 Partying #2 Partying #3 Partying #4 Partying #5

Even Michal laughed very much and very often. People didn't stop to make jokes even when Michal was drinking coke and of course he had to laugh. But don't worry, there was no accident at all (totally not!), and we're pretty sure that Michal's camera is probably already dry and sugar-free again and there are no more traces of coke to be seen on it, at least not many of them anyway!

Michal laughing #1 Michal laughing #2

If you look carefully at the second picture of the previous paragraph, you will notice Collin passing a bottle of Jack Daniels to Dar. Months before the party Collin and Dar had a secret competition of who was going to drink who under the table. So Collin bought a bottle, but he didn't know that John did the same. Throughout the night Dar was drinking her Jack Daniels mixed with coke and Collin would take a swig of Jack Daniels then shoot it down with a swig of Pepsi. Every time he did this he would pass Dar the bottle as it was part of the competition, and Dar would take a good swig of it straight. By the end of Saturday night, Collin and Dar polished off Collin's bottle, while Dar's bottle was still half empty (or half full as Vivana would have said) - but Dar was the only one drinking from her bottle. And since this paragraph was written by Dar, it can't end with anything else than saying that Dar won the competition because she was feeling perfectly fine considering she hadn't drank any alcohol in about three years and Collin was just a wee bit hung-over. We'll need to ask Collin about his opinion of the competition too!

Copyright notice: Text, images, and videos copyright by Michal Řeháček, Nicole, Torsten, John Philip, Darlene Sine.