The story of Luks pet bunny

Howdy! I think I should start with a brief introduction, but I'm sure you all know who I am. Luks pet bunny! It's me! If you still don't believe it, just look at the photo - then you'll be sure it's definitely me. You can click on the photo (or on any other photo on this page) to view it in a bigger size.

I hope you're all having a nice day, at least as nice as the last week was for me - I met Darthiir and Aeia! In real life! It was sooooo exciting. I will tell you all about it.

It all started a few days before the visit. Lukraak was preparing a lot of things, because he wanted the guests to feel welcome. He also moved Skippy into a closet and locked him there. That was scary! I was thinking that Luk would also want to try to hide me, because we all know that he doesn't like anyone to see me with him, but I didn't let that happen. I was behaving nicely, so that Luk didn't notice me when he was cleaning the house - and later he must have forgotten to hide me. I'm so smart!

Luk was also telling me that he, Aeia, and Darthiir would be going to visit some more friends in the far North. I don't know where such a city is, because the Bunny teacher in the Bunny school never told us about it, but I'm sure it's far away! I asked Luk to take me with him, but he would not listen. So I made a plan to sneak into Luk's suitcase, but alas, it was too small for me to get in with all the carrots that I would need to take with me. There were so many of the carrots that I couldn't even lift them; just look at the picture to see the size of the carrot bag. It is too heavy for me. Snif...

So I decided to just wait for Luky to return from the trip. I was patiently waiting in our house, I was silently sitting between the monitors. I was soooooo silent that Luky didn't even notice that I was there. I think I'm too small. But I promise that I will eat more carrots and maybe I will grow a little.

When Luky returned home from the trip, he was very happy. He was pretending that he didn't see me, because he didn't want Darthiir (or anyone for that matter) to see how much he loves me, because he's trying to look as a tough necromancer. He even makes bad gestures like the one on the second picture in this paragraph when people are looking to make them believe he's an evil person! But he's a good guy, we all know that - and he loves me!

We knew that Darthiir would be taking photos of us, so we prepared a scene for her to see. Check the picture. Luky is smiling there, and that means he loves me so much, so don't worry about the imitation of knife. It's very safe. And he would never do anything that would hurt me anyway. When Darthiir left, Luky threw the knife away and he prepared me a carrot soup! And he kissed me (he kisses me often).

And because I stayed at home, I missed a lot. Yes, I met Aeia and Darthiir - they even brought me extra carrots -, but I missed the other friends. Aeia and Darthiir later called me and told me that my relatives were living in the Royal Armoury in the North. They seem to be nice blokes. They're guarding the whole museum. There are lots and lots of nice things in the museum and the bad guys want to steal them, but my friends are guarding it well. Look! I wish I were as brave as them, but I'm but a wee bunny... Snif...

Because I love all bunnies, I want people to have pictures of them. When Aeia wasn't looking, I uploaded a nice game to her mobile phone. The game is called Bobby Carrot and is about a good friend of mine, Bobby, who is famous because he can collect carrots faster than any other Bunny that I know. Aeia says that he's very sorry that he didn't notice it (because I was so sneaky!) before Luky and Darthiir left, so unfortunately Aeia was not able to show the game to them. I'm really sure they would like it soooo much! So you will just need to look at all those nice pictures.

I am very tired now, so I will need to go to bed. It was very exhausting to prepare this whole page, because I don't have fingers just like humans do, so it's very difficult to type on a keyboard. And I didn't want to ask Luk to help me, because I know he's very busy making plans to rule the whole world, but I asked Aeia and Darthiir for some tips. They were very helpful and in the end, with their help, I did it, yay!

Good night, sweet dreams!

I wonder what Luky is going to dream about tonight...


Signed (with his very own paw)

Luks pet bunny

This is a true story. All beings, bunnies, iksars, elves, and members of all other races really exist and all events that are described really took place. Really!

Copyright notice: Text and images copyright by Michal Řeháček and Nicole Cijs.